Electronic Theory of the Magnetic Order in Thin Films
Symmetry, dimensionality, and local environment are essential elements affecting the magnetism of transition-metal ...
Symmetry, dimensionality, and local environment are essential elements affecting the magnetism of transition-metal ...
The interaction between the Spike (S) glycoprotein and the ACE2 receptor on the host cell constitutes the pivotal ...
A recent ultrafast electron diffraction experiment led by our collaborator has showed an interesting response of a thin ...
Our hands are an example for chiral objects: they cannot be brought to coincide with its mirror image by any rotations ...
NV centers – a nitrogen atom together with a vacancy – embedded in diamond provide a promising system to generate ...
The spike glycoprotein's interaction with the ACE2 receptor on the host cell is the crucial initial step for virus entry ...
Femtosecond laser pulses excite the electrons of matter to a high temperature whereas the ions remain mainly unaffected ...
The interactions of ultrashort-light pulses with solids and nanostructures is a continuously growing area due to the ...
The mechanisms of laser-matter interaction are of great importance for many applications including the development of ...
The understanding of the interaction of ultrashort light pulses with solids and nanostructures is important for both ...
The accurate many-particle description of systems exhibiting strong electronic correlations is one of the most ...
Circular Rydberg states refer to the valence electron of a highly excited atom in a circular orbit. Due to their very ...
This work is a successor of our previous study [1], were the mechanism of periodic nanostructuring process due to UV ...
If a femtosecond laser pulses excites matter, the electrons are excited to a high temperature whereas the ions remain ...
Chiral molecules cannot be brought into coincidence with their mirror images. Therefore, a molecule and its mirror image ...
Kohlenstoffnanoröhren (englisch: carbon nanotubes, CNTs) besitzen eine Vielzahl interessanter mechanischer Eigenschaften ...
As part of the research group POLARCON, we intend to study the active region carrier dynamics in III-nitride light ...
Silizium ist eines der wichtigsten Elemente in der modernen Halbleitertechnik und daher unverzichtbar in der Computer- ...
The properties of strongly interacting electrons subject to local pairing interactions have been investigated ...
The application of ultrashort laser pulses in the field of materials processing is promising, because it provides a ...
Small particles of magnetic transition metals open multiple perspectives of technological developments in storage media ...
Die Verbreitung und zunehmende Größe von Parallelrechnern stellt die parallele Programmierung vor neue Herausforderungen ...