The ab initio description of nuclear physics phenomena has progressed tremendously over the past years. In particular ...
In recent years interactions from chiral effective field theory (chiral EFT) have been used very successfully in ab ...
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong nuclear force. Analogously to the theory of the electromagnetic ...
Hypernuclei are atomic nuclei that contain other baryons apart from nucleons (protons and neutrons). These other baryons ...
Zinnoxide mit verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen: Auf dem Weg zum elektronischen Bauelement Zinn ist ein ungiftiges ...
The Parton Hadron String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach has been used to study the evolution of hadronic and ...
Die Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) ist die elementare Theorie der Quarks und Gluonen. Auf Grund der Komplexität der zugrunde ...
Die Quantenchromodynamik (QCD), die Theorie der Quarks und Gluonen, beschreibt den Aufbau eines Großteils der uns ...
In modern nuclear structure theory, interactions are constructed from the fundamental symmetries imposed by quantum ...
The application of ultrashort laser pulses in the field of materials processing is promising, because it provides a ...
Theoretical nuclear physics aims at a consistent theoretical description of nuclei as quantum-mechanical many-body ...
The strong force is described by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). This theory has been experimentally tested to be a valid ...
The modern radiation therapy of localized tumours applies accelerated beams of protons and carbon ions to deliver a high ...
Strong-interaction matter fuels the stars and makes up almost the entire mass of the luminous universe. The underlying ...
Das Element Silizium ist auf der Erde das zweithäufigste Element und daher für die Menschheit nahezu unbegrenzt ...
According to modern physics, nature can be explained by four fundamental forces: the gravitational, the electromagnetic ...
Das Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik beschreibt die Interaktion von Teilchen anhand von fundamentalen Kräften ...