MaRC2 Cluster Marburg
Cluster Access
University of Marburg
All researchers and students of Uni Marburg can get access to the MaRC 2 Cluster.
Typical Node Parameters
Global Cluster Parameters
runtime: 10d
max. 1000 jobs/user
University of Marburg
All researchers and students of Uni Marburg can get access to the MaRC 2 Cluster.
runtime: 10d
max. 1000 jobs/user
Many real-world phenomena are modelled by partial differential equations. Even in relatively low dimensions, the ...
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute a large family of membrane proteins which share a conserved structural ...
Metal/organic interfaces are found in several technologies that are key to developing modern electronic devices ...
One main application area of pedestrian detection is located in the automotive domain. The usage of collusion warning ...
Many opto-electronic devices, such as laser diodes, solar cells or semiconductor sensors, comprise of semiconductor ...
For the modern communication and information technology semiconductors with improved optoelectronic properties are ...
The rapidly increasing proliferation of digital images and videos leads to a situation where content-based search in ...
Ligand binding pockets differ regarding their shape and arrangement of potential interaction sites. Thus, we design a ...
Traditionelle Linux High Performance Cluster (HPC) wie der Marburger Rechen-Cluster (MaRC2) basieren auf einem Verbund ...
In Zeiten des „next-generation-sequencing“ sind komperative genomische Analysen nicht mehr auf eine geringe Anzahl an ...
Shear flows occur frequently in everyday life and arise whenever a fluid (gas or liquid) moves over a solid surface or ...
Viele Strömungen zeigen Turbulenz, obwohl ihr laminares Profil stabil ist. Zum Beispiel die Kanalströmung, deren ...
In unserem Arbeitskreis wurden folgende Projekte mit Hilfe des Rechenclusters MaRC2 durchgeführt. Aufgrund der enormen ...
The detection of structural similarities between protein binding sites is an important challenge in medicinal drug ...