Lichtenberg Cluster Darmstadt
Cluster Access
Technische Universität Darmstadt
The Lichtenberg Cluster is situated in Darmstadt. It is a tier 2 cluster. Most of the processors are CPU, some accelerators (NVIDIA) are also available.
Note: Phase I of Lichtenberg (Node Type A) is deactivated as of April 2020.
Cluster Introductions:
- Monthly consultation hours for project proposals, in general every first Wednesday a month.
- Monthly introductory courses to the Lichtenberg Cluster, in general every second Tuesday a month.
The cluster is open to researchers from academia and public research facilities in Germany. Access is subject to a scientific project evaluation to the conditions of the steering committee.
Typical Node Parameters
43 à 2x NVIDIA K20Xm
1.3 TFLOPS, 6GB each
2 à 2x NVIDIA K40m, 1 à 2x NVIDIA K80
1.4 TFLOPS, 12 GB each
Global Cluster Parameters
runtime: 24h, max. 7d