Circular Rydberg states refer to the valence electron of a highly excited atom in a circular orbit. Due to their very ...
The prime goal of ab initio nuclear structure theory is the description of strongly interacting systems starting from ...
Chiral molecules cannot be brought into coincidence with their mirror images. Therefore, a molecule and its mirror image ...
As part of the research group POLARCON, we intend to study the active region carrier dynamics in III-nitride light ...
The group participates in the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The research activities focus ...
In our work,[1] the photons produced by partonic interactions in the quark-gluon plasma phase was found to have small ...
Our ultimate goal is to understand the dynamical properties of the partonic phase with quarks, antiquarks and gluons as ...
In heavy ion collisions at lower beam energies the QCD phase diagram is probed at high net baryon densities. To gain ...
Silizium ist eines der wichtigsten Elemente in der modernen Halbleitertechnik und daher unverzichtbar in der Computer- ...
Die Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) ist die elementare Theorie der Quarks und Gluonen. Auf Grund der Komplexität der zugrunde ...
Die Quantenchromodynamik (QCD), die Theorie der Quarks und Gluonen, beschreibt den Aufbau eines Großteils der uns ...
In modern nuclear structure theory, interactions are constructed from the fundamental symmetries imposed by quantum ...
The application of ultrashort laser pulses in the field of materials processing is promising, because it provides a ...
In nuclear structure theory, models have been developed which describe nuclear properties precisely. One well ...
Some Heusler alloys, for example intermetallic compounds of the stoichiometric composition X2YZ with L21 structure,[1] ...
Das Hauptaugenmerk unseres Forschungsprojektes ist die Simulation des Wachstums von Gold Atomen (Au) auf eine ...
Das Projekt befasst sich mit der ab-initio Simulation der elektronischen Eigenschaften von Graphen (einem ...
Stark wechselwirkende Materie befeuert die Sterne und bildet fast die gesamte Masse des sichtbaren Universums. Die ...
In theoretical nuclear structure physics one tries to explain the properties of nuclei that have already been measured ...
Das „Radiofrequenz Ionentriebwerk“ (RIT) gehört zu der Klasse der elektrischen Triebwerke. Bei dieser Klasse wird ...
Das Verhalten von Quarks und Gluonen wird durch die starke Wechselwirkung bestimmt, die theoretisch durch die ...
Small particles of magnetic transition metals open multiple perspectives of technological developments in storage media ...