Combustion of Individual Iron Microparticles With Resolved Boundary Layers II
Iron powder is emerging as a promising carbon-free energy carrier that can be used for a clean iron-based energy cycle ...
Iron powder is emerging as a promising carbon-free energy carrier that can be used for a clean iron-based energy cycle ...
Reducing pollutant emissions remains a key challenge in the development of nextgeneration aero-engines. In addition to ...
The German government’s National Hydrogen Strategy has identified hydrogen as a crucial technology in achieving the ...
Metal fuels are promising green energy carriers due to their high volumetric energy density, recyclability, and ...
This project aims to investigate various renewable fuels in 3D spray simulations (synthetic and biogenetic). For ...
The advancing climate crisis requires the rapid reduction of CO2 emissions. One of the largest emitters is the energy ...
Internal Combustion engines still play a significant role in today’s mobility and transport sector. They will still be ...
Soot is an unwanted particulate pollutant with detrimental impact on the human health and climate change. Its emission ...
Centrifugal pumps conveying gas-liquid flows are often designed based on pure liquid flows due to a limited ...
The general purpose of this project was to investigate the capabilities of the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Fourier ...
The safe supply of energy and electrical power will require operation of conventional power plants in the next decades ...
Knocking combustion in an internal combustion engine is initiated by auto-ignition ahead of the flame front. Thus ...
To reduce the C02 footprint of the current energy and transport sector, hydrogen has become one of the most promising ...
In the context of global warming, the necessity of efficient and low emission combustion applications arises. The ...
Understanding forced ignition in turbulence is relevant to the development of next generation highefficiency, low ...
In the context of global warming the necessity of efficient and low emission combustion applications arises. In addition ...
Engine knock is initiated by auto-ignition in the unburned mixture ahead of the flame front, the so-called end-gas. Thus ...
3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are nowadays an established method in science and a tool in industrial ...
Many technical applications in chemistry engineering are multiphase flows as they contain entrained air or effects such ...
Soot is an undesired particulate pollutant generated from an incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. Due to its ...
The formation of pollutants in direct injection engines is a field of research with high practical importance. In front ...