Data analysis in Python with Pandas

Data analysis in Python with Pandas


In this course participants will learn to analyze tabular data (e.g. time series) with the data processing library Pandas. Pandas is useful for conducting steps involved in exploratory data analysis such as summarizing and visualizing data. Lectures will be supplemented with practical sessions to intensify contents from the presentation. After participating in the course attendees will have learned...

  • ...about the concepts of Pandas Series and DataFrames.
  • import tabular data into Pandas DataFrames.
  • make efficient use of DataFrame methods and visualisation for exploratory data analysis.


Participants are expected to have some programming experience with standard Python. No knowledge of packages like NumPy is required. Being familiar with Jupyter notebooks is also advantageous. Please refer to e.g. for learning about Jupyter notebooks.

All course attendees are expected to bring their own laptop with a working Python environment for the hands-on sessions. Detailed information regarding required Python packages will be communicated in time.


Note: The workshop is limited to 25 participants.

Click here to register.

Participating Universities