Tim Jammer

Tim Jammer, M. Sc.

MPI, OpenMP, Machine Learning, Lichtenberg Cluster, C++, Research Software Engineering, Software Testing 

Tim Jammer

Tim Jammer studied computer science at the university of Hamburg. During his studies he also worked as a student assistant at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ), teaching courses for MPI and OpenMP to geology students. His master thesis covered the automatic translation of OpenMP to MPI in order to scale up OpenMP programs to large distributed memory systems.
After graduating with a Master of Science in Hamburg, he joined the HKHLR in 2019. Since then, he supports the various teaching activities of the HKHLR.
Tim is also pursuing his PhD, researching at the Institute of Scientific Computing at TU Darmstadt. His research focuses on Compiler Analysis for and Correctness of MPI Programs.
He is one of the main authors of the MPI Correctness Benchmark MPI-Corrbench (https://github.com/tudasc/MPI-Corrbench).

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