Introduction to Frankfurt's Cluster
Cluster Computing Course
The Cluster Computing Course is for participants of the HKHLR Tutorial: Parallelization with MPI and OpenMP
Cluster facts of the GOETHE-HLR & FUCHS cluster:
- Hardware resources
- File system
- Environments modules
- Partitions on the cluster
- Architecture of the partitions
Batch Usage:
SLURM is the job scheduler installed on GOETHE-HLR & FUCHS cluster. The session teaches attendees
- how to prepare a submission script
- how to submit, monitor, and manage jobs on the clusters
- theory about resource and CPU management
Please notice:
With your registration, we will use your contact information for organizational reasons:
- to inform you about workshop details,
- about agenda changes, and
- to contact you, in order to give us feedback about the workshop (evaluation)
The data will not be transferred to third paties. We evaluate the data statistically to improve our service for your research. For further questions, please contact: