21 new GPUs for the MaRC3

21 new GPUs for the MaRC3

A total of 21 new GPUs (NVidia A100 with 80 GB RAM) have been installed in the Marburger Rechen-Cluster 3 (MaRC3).

Thus, the cluster now contains a total of 71 GPUs (12x NVidia V100S, 16x NVidia A100 40GB, 37x NVidia A100 80GB, 6x NVidia A40). The new GPUs were financed by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The new HPC system is fully operational at the Philipps-Universität Marburg since April 2022 and had replaced the old MaRC2 cluster. To the news: New HPC system "MaRC3" in Marburg

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