Proficiency Training High Performance Computing: Version Control with GIT

Proficiency Training High Performance Computing: Version Control with GIT

The Proficiency Training High Performance Computing (ProTHPC) consists of short courses which offer researchers and students in academia an introduction to respective topics promoting efficient and successful work in the context of HPC.

This ProTHPC is free of charge and will be held entirely online as a web conference.

The courses of the program are modules that are held on different days.

Other modules are:

As the difficulty level of the modules varies greatly, we advice you to consider your participation carefully. ProTHPC is designed as a collection of topics to chose from, rather than an entire workshop to be taken at once.

The topics are aligned to the skill tree of the HPC certification forum.

All  courses consist of lectures, supplemented with practical exercises. They will be held in English.

Schedule for all modules

  • 09:00AM - 12:00AM Lectures
  • 12:00AM - 02:00PM Break / Individual time to work on exercises
  • 02:00PM - 03:00PM Exercise discussion, Q&A time


We strongly recommend that to participate in this workshop, you have an account on one of the Hessian HPC clusters (Lichtenberg, Goethe-HLR, JustHPC, Kassel Linux Cluster, or MaRC2). The practical exercises for all modules require a machine with Linux installed, and module 2 specifically will be conducted on these clusters. We will also provide the course material via the clusters.


With your registration, we will use your contact information for organizational reasons:

  • to inform you about workshop details,  
  • about agenda changes, and
  • to contact you, in order to give us feedback about the workshop (evaluation).

The data will not be transferred to third parties. The personal data will be deleted two months after the closing of the workshop. We evaluate the data statistically to improve our service for your research. For further questions, please contact:

Note: The workshop is limited to 25 participants. It is free of charge and will be held in English.

Click here to register.

Detailed description

Version Control with GIT
Level: basic - intermediate
HPC Skill Tree: SD3.2

Version Control is an essential tool for project management. Therefore we present the distributed version control system Git, which is well established in the Linux community. Git can be used not only for large projects - such as kernel development - but also for working together on smaller projects or for versioning your own projects. Additionally, Git does not only work for software projects. We strongly encourage to use it in other projects like writing a thesis as well.

In this Course, Participants will learn about:

  • Foundations of Version Control: Gain a deep understanding of version control's core principles and its significance in effective project management for various project sizes and types. Explore Git's capacity to track changes and restore previous project states.
  • Fundamentals of Git Usage: Explore fundamental commands and operations necessary for proficient project version management, fostering an organized workflow.
  • Advanced Branch Workflows: Learn advanced techniques in branching that facilitate collaboration and streamline development processes.
  • Collaborative Project Management: Utilize Git's features to optimize collaborative efforts, including creating merge requests and effectively resolving complex merge conflicts.

Participating Universities