HiPerCH 15 - Module 1

HiPerCH 15 - Module 1

FAIR research software development


Course description

This is a hands-on workshop designed to help you apply FAIR* research principles and research software engineering (RSE) principles to your research software development! (*Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse)

We know that your time is valuable and the idea of adding another task to your already busy schedule may seem overwhelming. But, it might well boost your career. By cross-linking your scientific paper with all the relevant research artifacts, you'll be able to make your work easily accessible, findable, interoperable, and reproducible, increasing impact and visibility. Plus, you'll learn how to use version control, continuous integration, and containerization to streamline your research workflow and make it more efficient.


Participants will learn

a) continuous integration
b) version control
c) containerization
d) testing
e) cross-linking research artifacts


First day

Breaks every 60-90 minutes

  • 09:00 Introduction to Research Software Engineering
  • 10:30 Minimal working example
  • 12:00 Lunch Break 1 hour
  • 13:00 Hands-on tutorial with the minimal working example
  • 14:30 Making your research Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible (FAIR)
  • 15:30 fvc-reconstruct working example
  • 16:30 First look into your project
  • 17:00 Dr. Ortrun Brand, Uni Marburg: lecture "Data management as key factor for sustainable research - options and offers of HeFDI (Hessian Research Data Infrastructure)"*
  • 18:00 End of the first day

*Lecture-description: Data management is a key factor for good scientific practice and sustainable research. In cooperation with HeFDI (Hessian Research Data Infrastructures), you will learn more about best practices for organizing, documenting and storing research data in this workshop. Legal aspects will also be touched upon. We will also introduce HeFDI's extensive resources and offerings to help you ensure that your data are usable in the long term and can be cited by others. The workshop is designed to deepen your understanding of data management beyond research and to make your research practice sustainable according to FAIR principles.

We offer all participants to join us for dinner at 19:00 following the first day of the workshop (self-pay). This will be a great opportunity for you to chat with the workshop lecturers and build connections with other workshop participants.



Second day

  • 09:00 Recapitulation of first day and questions
  • 10:00 In-depth look at our current working project
  • 12:00 Lunch Break 1 hour
  • 13:00 Hands-on with your projects and code
  • 18:00 End of the second day



In order to have a productive day, please

  • bring a laptop,
  • create a Zenodo or TUdatalib (with respective rights) account,
  • create a gitlab-account (e.g. gitlab.com or git.rwth-aachen.de),
  • install git on your laptop and use SSH keys to communicate with GitLab,
  • install gitlab-runner on your laptop or have access to gitlab-runners (also free minutes on gitlab.com),
  • bring your own research project (publication, secondary data reported in the publication and research software).

Participating Universities