SecBic - A Platform for Genome Privacy Based on Homomorphically Biclustering Analysis
Massive amounts of newly generated gene expression data have been used to further enhance personalised health ...
Sie können Anfragen zum Hochleistungsrechnen in Frankfurt an frankfurt@hpc-hessen.de stellen.
Das HKHLR Team arbeitet eng mit den Administratorinnen und Administratoren des Goethe-HLR zusammen.
Massive amounts of newly generated gene expression data have been used to further enhance personalised health ...
In a hydrogen fuel cell, that consists of an anode and a cathode, oxidation and reduction reactions occur simultaneously ...
Millions of European and American workers are increasingly asked to accumulate pension assets. In order to augment ...
Atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) are rather short in wavelength (1km – 100km in the horizontal, 100m – 10km in the ...
Calculating transport properties such as the electrical conductivity of a strongly interacting hadron gas is a difficult ...
The smallest constituents of matter and their properties are studied by means of relativistic heavy ion collisions ...
The Mediterranean area will probably experience a strong impact of climate change. Due to the diverse topography of the ...
The complex architecture of neuropsychiatric disorders comprises of distinct neuropsychological traits. Previous studies ...
Atmospheric deep convection, commonly known as thunderstorms in its most severe form, poses a severe threat to human ...
Während der Wahrnehmung von visuellen Stimuli greifen wir ständig auf gespeicherte Informationen aus unserer bisherigen ...
The group participates in the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The research activities focus ...
In our work,[1] the photons produced by partonic interactions in the quark-gluon plasma phase was found to have small ...
Nano- and micrometer-scaled silicon structures are essential components not only in microelectronic but also in ...
A new method for the determination of organic crystal structures from powder diffraction data has been developed. The ...
Eines der Hauptarbeitsgebiete unserer Gruppe ist die gezielte Modifikation von Oberflächen. Zu diesem Zweck setzen wir ...
Our ultimate goal is to understand the dynamical properties of the partonic phase with quarks, antiquarks and gluons as ...
In heavy ion collisions at lower beam energies the QCD phase diagram is probed at high net baryon densities. To gain ...
Topology is an important concept in physics, e.g. in field theory, in condensed matter physics or in cosmology. Topology ...
Studies applying species distribution models (SDMs) have multiplied exponentially over the last years, however only few ...
Die Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) ist die elementare Theorie der Quarks und Gluonen. Auf Grund der Komplexität der zugrunde ...
Die Quantenchromodynamik (QCD), die Theorie der Quarks und Gluonen, beschreibt den Aufbau eines Großteils der uns ...
To achieve a sustainable development of the planet Earth, water resources need to be managed well. This requires an ...
One of the last predictions of Einstein‘s general relativity is the existence of gravitational waves (GWs), which is ...
The explicit examination of the smallest scales of atmosphere and ocean dynamics is the subject of research on the ...
Verlässliche Vorhersagen werden benötigt, um bessere Entscheidungen für zukünftiges Handeln treffen zu können. Ein ...
The strong force is described by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). This theory has been experimentally tested to be a valid ...
LPJ-GUESS [1] is a dynamic vegetation model (DVM) optimised for regional to global applications. It simulates many ...
The modern radiation therapy of localized tumours applies accelerated beams of protons and carbon ions to deliver a high ...
Binary neutron star (BNS) mergers are among the most promising sources of gravitational waves (GW). In this project, we ...
The European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) is protected and needs conservation actions in many countries in ...