- C - Cluster-wide installation
- U - User installation
- x.x.xx - Cluster-wide installation, latest version number
Software | Description | Lichtenberg Darmstadt |
MaRC 2 Marburg |
Linux Cluster Kassel |
Skylla Gießen |
More Info |
Abaqus | Finite elements analysis | 2019 | C | |||
ABINIT | DFT suite | 8.11.1 | ||||
ADF | Computational chemistry | U | ||||
AMBER /Amber Tools | QM/MD-molecular simulation | C | C | |||
ANSYS CFD / Structures | CFD / CSM / Multiphysics | 20.1 | C | HKHLR-Info | ||
Autodock Vina | Molecular docking | C | ||||
BLAST | Sequence similarity search | C | ||||
Bowtie | Genome alignment and analysis | C | C | |||
BWA | Sequence mapping | C | ||||
cDNA-Cupcake | DNA sequence analysis | C | ||||
CMTK | Computational morphometry toolkit | C | ||||
COMSOL | CFD, CSM, Multiphysics | U | C | |||
Emboss | Bioinformatics toolkit | C | ||||
FastME | Phylogeny inference | C | ||||
Gaussian | Computational chemistry | U | C | |||
GÉANT | C | |||||
GROMACS | Quantum chemistry | 2019.4 | C | |||
Jellyfish | k-mer counting | C | ||||
LAMMPS | Molecular dynamics | 2019.08.07 | U | |||
Matlab | Numerical computing environment | R2019a | C | C | ||
Meep | Electromagnetics | C | C | |||
Minimap | Sequence alignment | C | ||||
MPB | Meep photonic bands | C | C | |||
MRBayes | Inference | C | ||||
NAMD | Molecular dynamics package | C | ||||
NWChem | Computational chemistry | 6.8.1 | C | C | ||
OpenCV | Image recognition | C | ||||
OpenFOAM | Solver framework for continuum mechanics | 1912 | ||||
OpenMolcas | Quantum chemistry package | 20190507 | ||||
ORCA | Quantum chemistry package | C | C | |||
Proj | Geo protection library | C | ||||
Proteinortho | Orthology detection | C | ||||
Quantum Espresso | Compuational chemistry and materials modeling | 6.5.0 | C | |||
S4 | Stanford stratified structure solver | C | ||||
Samtools | Sequence alignment | C | ||||
SMRTAnalysis | DNA sequence analysis | C | ||||
Tinker | Molecular dynamics | C | ||||
ToFU2 | DNA sequence analysis | C | ||||
Tophat | Read mapper for RNA sequences | C | ||||
TrinityRNASeq | RNA sequence anlysis | C | ||||
Turbomole | Quantum chemistry | U | ||||
VASP | Atomic scale material modeling | U | U | HKHLR-Info | ||
Velvet | Sequence assembler | C | ||||
ViennaRNA | RNA secondary structures prediction and comparison | 2.4.14 |