Efficient Gas Engines for Maritime Applications of the Next Generation

Efficient Gas Engines for Maritime Applications of the Next Generation

Figure1 Johannes Ratz, GAMMA - Effiziente GAsmotoren für MaritiMe Anwendungen der nächsten Generation

Figure 1: Parametrized geometry model of impeller, diffuser and Volute 

Johannes Ratz
Figure2 Ratz, Johannes GAMMA - Effiziente GAsmotoren für MaritiMe Anwendungen der nächsten Generation

Figure 2: Evaluation of the surge margin. Left: iterative evaluation, Right: estimation

Johannes Ratz


Not only in automotive and aviation industries, but also in shipping the engine manufacturer are forced by new environmental standards to increase efficiency and reduce emissions. The forced induction of internal combustion engines by turbochargers is playing an important role in this process. New engine concepts like gas engines having increased requirements on the turbocharger and therefore require new design methods. [1] 
Goal of this project is to extend the existing design process of centrifugal compressors, which is based on 1-dimensional design techniques or the scaling of existing compressors, by a process chain for an automatic design optimization with the aid of high resolution threedimensional computational fluid dynamics. This extended design philosophy will be utilized to optimize an existing centrifugal compressor with a vaned diffusor in terms of surge margin and efficiency. Simultaneously, Computational Structural Mechanics will be carried out to ensure the components’ structural integrity. All the obtained knowledge will be used to identify lossincreasing design features and to formulate novel design guidelines. [1]


The aerodynamic evaluation of the designs is done by using a finite volume discretization and the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The structural integrity is checked by an finite element approach. The overall optimization is carried out using evolutionary algorithms combined with response surface models. 

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