- C - Cluster-wide installation
- U - User installation
- x.x.xx - Cluster-wide installation, latest version number
Software | Description | Lichtenberg Darmstadt |
MaRC 2 Marburg |
Linux Cluster Kassel |
Skylla Gießen |
Link |
ADIOS2 | Data management framework | 2.5.0 | ||||
Argtable | Parameter parsing library | 3.10.1 | ||||
arpack-ng | FORTRAN77 Library for solving eigenvalue problems | 3.1.3 | ||||
ATLAS | Automatically tuned linear alegbra software | 3.10.3 | 3.10.1 | |||
beagle-lib | Statistical phylogenetics library | 2015-06-24 | ||||
Beast | C++ header-only library | 2.3.0 | ||||
BLAS | Vector and matrix operations | 1 | ||||
BLIS | BLAS implementation | 1.3 | 0.3.0 | |||
Boost | C++ parallel programming library | 1.72.0 | 1.57.0 | 1.55.0 | ||
Caffe | Machine learning | U | x | |||
CGAL | Computational geometry algorithms library | 5.0.2 | ||||
CGNS | CFD data standard | 3.4.0 | ||||
Cube | Profiling data format | 4.3.5 | ||||
eigen | Linear algebra C++ template library | 3.3.7 | 3.2.3 | |||
ffmpeg | Videocodecs | 2.5.3 | ||||
ffms2 | ffmpeg cross-plattform wrapper | - | ||||
FFTW | Fastest fourier transfort in the west | 3.3.8 | 3.3.6 | 3.3.3 | ||
GDAL | Geospatial data abstraction library | C | ||||
GEOS | Geometry engine, open source | 3.5.0 | ||||
Global Arrays | NUMA programming environment | 5.7.0 | ||||
glpk | GNU linear programming kit | 4.65 | ||||
GMP | GNU multiple arithmetic library | 6.1.2 | ||||
GSL | GNU scientific library | 2.6 | 2.4 | |||
gurobi | Mathematical arithemetic library | 9.0.0 | ||||
HDF5 | Parallel IO library | 1.10.5 | 1.8.18 | 1.8.11 parallel | ||
Horovod | Deep learning framework | 0.19.0 | ||||
Hypre | Linear solvers library | 2.18.2 | ||||
Intel/mkl/xe | PSXE2017 update 4 | xe_2011_sp1.7.256 | ||||
IPOPT | Large scale pointer optimization library | 3.13.0 | ||||
Keras | Deep learning library | 2.3.1 | ||||
LAPACK | Linear algebra package | 3.9.0 | 3.2.3 | 3.4.2 | ||
Libconfig | Config parsing library | 1.5 | ||||
LibFLAME | Dense linear algebra library | 1.3 | ||||
Libgd | Image manipulation library | 2.2.5 | ||||
Libint | Evaluation of molecular integrals | 2.6.0 | ||||
LibM | 3.3 | |||||
Libfabric | 1.9.0 | |||||
libxdrfile | Library for reading/writing XDR files | 2.1.2 | ||||
MPFR | Multiple-precision floating point library | 3.1.5 | ||||
NAG | Collection of Numerical Algithms | Mark 27 | ||||
NetCDF | Network common data format | 4.7.3 | | 4.3.0 | ||
NumPy | Programming language library for python | C | 1.8.1 | |||
openBLAS | BLAS implementation | 0.3.7 | 0.2.20 | 0.2.9.rc2-1 | ||
openCV | Computer vision and machine learning software library | 4.1.0 | ||||
OTF2 | Open trace format | 2.1 | ||||
PAPI | Hardware performance counter library | 5.7.0 | 5.5.1 | |||
PCRE | Perl compatible regular expressions | 8.41 | ||||
PETSc | PDE solving software | 3.12.4 | ||||
pigz | Parallel GZIP compression library | 2.3.3 | ||||
PLUMED | Molecular dynamics library | 2.5.3 | ||||
pixman | Pixel manipulation library | 0.34.0 | ||||
Qt | GUI toolkit | 5.12.1 | ||||
Spglib | Library for finding and handling crystal symmetries | 1.11.1 | ||||
SuiteSparse | Sparse matrix algebra library | 5.0.0 | ||||
TensorFlow | Machine learning framework | 2.1.0 | ||||
Torch | Machine learning framework | 1.4.0 | ||||
udunits | Unit conversion library | 2.2.26 | 2.1.14 | |||
VTK | Manipulating and displaying scientific data | 8.2.0 |