Laser-Induced Generation Nanostructures and Nanoparticles of Different Materials in Different Media: Molecular Dynamics Investigation

Laser-Induced Generation Nanostructures and Nanoparticles of Different Materials in Different Media: Molecular Dynamics Investigation


Fig. 1: The result of modeling of NPs formation process due to PLAL is shown for the case of 0.3ps (a) and 50ps (b) pulses as the atomic configurations taken at the time of 500ps after the beginning of the pulse. The atoms are colored by Central Symmetry Parameter (CSP) for identification of their local structure: solid < 0.08 < defects < 0.12 < liquid < 0.25 < surface < 0.50 < vapor. The water atoms are not shown for a better visual analysis of the forming NPs. The NPs size distribution for the case of short and long laser pulses are shown in correspondingly (c) and (d).