VI-HPS Tuning-Workshop

VI-HPS Tuning-Workshop

This workshop organised by VI-HPS and CSC/HKHLR will:

  • give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite

  • explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively

  • offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools

On completion participants should be familiar with common performance analysis and diagnosis techniques and how they can be employed in practice (on a range of HPC systems). Those who prepared their own application test cases will have been coached in the tuning of their measurement and analysis, and provided optimization suggestions.


Presentations and hands-on sessions are planned on the following topics:

  • Setting up, welcome and introduction
  • TAU performance system
  • MAQAO performance analysis & optimisation
  • Score-P instrumentation and measurement
  • Scalasca automated trace analysis
  • VAMPIR interactive trace analysis
  • LIKWID performance tool suite
  • PAPI hardware performance counters
  • Extra-P automated performance modeling

… and potentially others to be added

A brief overview of the capabilities of these and associated tools is provided in the VI-HPS Tools Guide.

Tune your own code

Participants from Academia

  • are encouraged to prepare their own MPI, OpenMP and hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallel application codes for analysis.

  • who have a piece of their own code that they would like to adapt and speed up using VIHPS tools, can send it to the organisers to include it in the course as a case study. Please make sure that it is already runnable on the Goethe-HLR cluster. If you are interested in tuning your code, please send us a short code description at least till Monday, November 23th (

  • who wants their code to be analyzed has to install their code to the workshop accounts on the Goethe-HLR. Installation will be possible starting on Monday, November 23th.


Please register at the CSC website. Registrations from Hesse are preferred until 01.11.2020. During this time, it is possible for applicants from other regions to be placed on a waiting list. After 02.11.2020 all applications will be treated equally.
