Node-Level Performance Engineering: September 2019

Node-Level Performance Engineering: September 2019


This course teaches performance engineering approaches on the compute node level. “Performance engineering” as we define it is more than employing tools to identify hotspots and bottlenecks. It is about developing a thorough understanding of the interactions between software and hardware. This process must start at the core, socket, and node level, where the code gets executed that does the actual computational work. Once the architectural requirements of a code are understood and correlated with performance measurements, the potential benefit of optimizations can often be predicted. We introduce a “holistic” node-level performance engineering strategy and apply it to different algorithms from computational science. Architectural details that are relevant for performance, such as pipelining, SIMD, superscalarity, memory hierarchies, etc., are covered in due detail.

Participants must have basic knowledge in programming with Fortran or C and basic knowledge of OpenMP.


Registration is now open!


Bachelor / Master Students from Hessen & Rheinland-Pfalz 40 EUR
PhD students from Hessen & Rheinland-Pfalz 60 EUR
Members of German universities and public research institutes 60 EUR
Others 580 EUR

Fee includes coffee breaks, but not lunch & dinner.

Social Events:

On the first evening, we plan a dinner (self-paying) at “Zum Storch am Dom” (


Cluster Computing Course

The Cluster Computing Course is for participants of Node-Level Performance Engineering

Friday, August 30 2019


Goethe Universität, Campus Riedberg (Frankfurt am Main)

Cluster facts of the GOETHE-HLR & FUCHS cluster:

  • Hardware resources

  • File system

  • Environments modules

  • Partitions on the cluster

  • Architecture of the partitions

Batch Usage:

SLURM is the job scheduler installed on GOETHE-HLR & FUCHS cluster. The session teaches attendees

  • how to prepare a submission script

  • how to submit, monitor, and manage jobs on the clusters

  • theory about resource and CPU management


Travel Information and Accommodation

See our directions, the campus map, and the entrance and room 114 of building N100

Public transportation:

From main railway Station “Hauptbahnhof” with S-Bahn S1 - S9 to “Hauptwache”, then with U-Bahn U8 (direction Riedberg) to “Uni Campus Riedberg”.

Hotel Recommendation:


Anja Gerbes, +49 (0)69 798-47356, gerbes[at]

This course is organized by HKHLR and CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt in cooperation with RRZE &